Colegiul Național ”Mihai Eminescu”

Mihai Eminescu National College of Suceava is a comprehensive school, reuniting around 1500 students and about 100 teachers, providing educational services to all levels (pre-primary to upper secondary) and students ranging in age from 3 to 18 – 19. It is located in the north-east of Romania, in a mountainous region of outstanding beauty and rich traditions.

Pupils come from a wide variety of backgrounds, too, due to the rich spectrum of specialised classes offered by the upper secondary level. While in primary and lower secondary, the main beneficiaries are children of the neighbouring area, in highschool, students from all over the county apply for either a theoretical route (Sciences, Humanities or Social studies) or a vocational route (classesspecialised in training pre-primary/primary teachers)

Currently, based on student performance in standardized exams, the institution ranks among the first three most popular high-schools in town.

International cooperation projects have long shaped the school’s organizational culture, reuniting self-financed exchange programmes and Erasmus+ projects. The opportunity to broaden pedagogical and cultural horizons given to the school’s teachers has proven extremely beneficial, with direct verified impact on the improvement of teaching attitudes and rates of modern techniques applied in class, increased student motivation and willingness to participate in volunteering and extra-curricular activities and implicit increased parent satisfaction and popularity of the school in the community.

The implementation of international Erasmus+ projects in our school has resulted in:

-Better knowledge, tools and good practice examples for curriculum development in the area of Diversity and intercultural education;

-development of tolerant,open bahaviour and attitudes in teachers to create a more  inclusive school environment;

-New acquisitions in quality education standards and innovative, dynamic techniques mastered by the school’s teachers;

Improved collaborative skills for project team members;

Morecooperative techniques implemented at classroom level;

Increased number of small scaleinternational cooperation projects (individual information exchange, online class projects)

Improved level of self/confidence and motivation for learning in students;

Improved learning competence in students (better results in exams);

A more participative style of management of the school;

A more inclusive school ethos;

Improved level of interest and confidence of parents in the school (higher numbers of registration in primary and lower secondary classes).

A better image of the school in the community.


Contact person: Melisch Daniela Irina


Tel: +40230524349


This project has been co-funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

Project N°:2022-1-RO01-KA220-SCH-000086884

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