LEAF Brochure – sharing is caring

To better understand our project it’s important to understand its goal and specific objectives. Here, you have access to our first Brochure promoting the project and soon it will be available, as this website, in all partner languages!

If you are interested and you want to know more about it, don’t hesitate to contact us. The Consortium has NGOs and schools from France (Energies2050), Italy (Dlearn), Croatia (Udruga roditelja ”Korak po korak”), Romania (Colegiul National “Mihai Eminescu”), Greece (Paton M.E.P.E.) and Serbia (Link Group).

If you like our brochure and our project, you are free to make copies and share the brochures as much as you’d like. 

And of course, make sure to mention us every time you have the opportunity to show that biodiversity counts for you! 

#leafbiodiversity #biodiversity #leafproject #erasmus+ #teachereducation #diversity