European Digital Learning Network ETS

The European Digital Learning Network ETS – DLEARN – aims to embrace the challenges brought by the digital revolution in terms of digital skills mismatch, toward an inclusive digital society. Our aims are characterized by 4 key-words: SHARE, CONNECT, MULTIPLY, ENHANCE. DLEARN is a collector of practices and ideas, gathering diverse organizations in Europe to think and trigger new initiatives, toward the valorisation and the enhancement of digital learning.

The network is made of 31 different organizations from 21 EU’s countries, active in the field of education and digital learning at various levels. The network is active in different activities:

  • ICT / new technologies / digital competences
  • Intercultural/intergenerational education and lifelong learning
  • New innovative curricula / educational methods / development of training courses
  • Entrepreneurial learning – entrepreneurial education
  • Youth enhancement and boost of competences especially of those in need. To this end, Dlearn is very active in experimenting new model of education in the Youth sector thanks to some projects already running under the Erasmus+ Program.
  • Development of innovative educational tools through game-based approach, mobile applications and interactive platforms to engage learners.
  • Promotion and implementation of European transparency tools for education and training (ECVET, EQAVET, etc.)

Therefore, the two main goals are:

  • To develop and uptake of digital skills for every citizen, of any age, at all levels;
  • To foster digital learning, or in other words the use of ICT tools and methods to make learning more attractive, more effective, more flexible and to guarantee equal access to all.

The network is organized in 4 main working groups that represent the field of education and scope that DLearn is covering through its activities: Higher education; Adult education and youth; Vocational education and training; School education.



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This project has been co-funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

Project N°:2022-1-RO01-KA220-SCH-000086884

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