Energies 2050

ENERGIES 2050 was created in 2001, first, as an international network and, since 2011, as a non-profit non-governmental organization engaged at the international level in the fight against climate change, the implementation of a shared and sustainable development and the establishment of a more human, plural and united society, bringing peace and respectful of the common goods of humanity. The association brings together members and partners of more than 70 nationalities implementing together projects in as many countries.

ENERGIES 2050 is a recognised organization. The association and its network collaborate with international institutions, national and subnational governments, local authorities as well as public or private multi-stakeholders’ coalitions, civil society organisations in the development and implementation of policies, strategies, programs and low carbon development projects with high innovation potential in the fields of mitigation, adaptation and resilience.

ENERGIES 2050 works according to a systemic and inclusive approach on transversal topics such as human rights; gender equality; protection of indigenous peoples and minorities; the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); the fight against climate change, the preservation of biodiversity and Culture, Art and Heritage. Mention will also be made of programs dedicated to the energy transition, the mobilization and deployment of climate finance, territorialisation, cities and the built environment, water or agriculture in addition to capacity building.

ENERGIES 2050 breaks its activities down into five complementary areas:

  • Executing demonstrative and scalable implementation projects along with technical studies and research actions.
  • Organising meetings and conferences.
  • Publishing research results.
  • Educating, training and building capacities.
  • Communicating to the greatest number.


This project has been co-funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

Project N°:2022-1-RO01-KA220-SCH-000086884

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