TRANSNATIONAL PROJECT MEETINGS (TPM) are enhancing further efficient cooperation among partners, while monthly update meetings are scheduled to be follow the progress of the project.

1. KOM in Biot (FR), organised by P6 – ENERGIES2050 (in collaboration with P1 – MENC) in November, 2022.

It was the first, in person meeting of the project and it served to kick-start the project cycle. With 10 people present at the meeting, it was a very productive and fruitfull experience that set the team up on the right track for the work to come. During this meeting, the partners explored the project strategy, discussed about management and quality aspects as well as the dissemination plan, financial reporting procedures, formal obligations (Grant and Partnership Agree-ment), and other important topics for the beginning of the project. What’s even more important is that the tasks as well as the responsibilities were delegated among the consortium to make it easier to follow the project progress and to make sure that the quality aspect of the project is kept in mind throughout. 

Last but not least, it was a wonderful opportunity for the partners to meet in person, to see faces behind the screens, e-mails, messages, and to create a positive working environment for the project. 

2. TPM, online, organized by P1, MENC, in May 2023


The Consortium has gone through all the activities implemented so far and the ones that are ahead of us during the summer period.

The biggest highlights of the meeting were the Syllabus and the Handbook where we went through the templates and agreed on the next steps on these results – especially the focus groups/peer review of the Syllabus which is to be implemented in all partner countries and to be considered a basis on which we build on.

We also had a website presented as a finished project result in English while there is work left on the translations to ensure an inclusive approach and easier understanding nationally, in each partner country.

3.TPM in Suceava (RO), organised by P1, MENC, in November 2023 

The Consortium has gone through all the activities implemented during the first year and the ones that are ahead for the second year.  

All partners went through the draft version of the Handbook, agreeing on the final form. It will be translated in partners’ language and printed as scheduled. The Competence Framework which was also discussed is an important instrument for our project’s result.  

The Consortium debated on the planned activities and the online Leaf Academy, a platform which will be created as a learning space for students.  


This project has been co-funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

Project N°:2022-1-RO01-KA220-SCH-000086884

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